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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 573-755

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Filter Stability in Dynamical Systems

Joseph Auslander

pp. 573-579

The Poincaré–Bertrand Formula: A Derivation and a Generalization

L. C. Baird, S. Sancaktar, and P. F. Zweifel

pp. 580-591

An Invariance Property of Solutions to Second Order Differential Inequalities in Ordered Banach Spaces

Russell C. Thompson

pp. 592-603

Heat Flow Inequalities with Applications to Heat Flow Optimization Problems

Andrew Acker

pp. 604-618

High Speed Convolution of Periodic Functions

R. S. Bucy, A. J. Mallinckrodt, and H. Youssef

pp. 619-625

Uniform $L^1 $ Behavior for an Integrodifferential Equation with Parameter

Kenneth B. Hannsgen

pp. 626-639

Asymptotic Estimates for the Adiabatic Invariance of a Simple Oscillator

Gilbert Stengle

pp. 640-654

Asymptotic Expansions of Integral Transforms of Functions with Logarithmic Singularities

Norman Bleistein

pp. 655-672

Connection Formulas for Second-Order Differential Equations Having an Arbitrary Number of Turning Points of Arbitrary Multiplicities

F. W. J. Olver

pp. 673-700

Note on Some Convolved Power Sums

L. Carlitz

pp. 701-709

Uniform Asymptotic Solutions of Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations with Turning Points

Donatus U. Anyanwu

pp. 710-718

Cauchy's Problem for Systems of First Order Analytic Elliptic Equations in the Plan

Chung-Ling Yu

pp. 719-740

Second Order Singular Boundary Value Problems

T. C. Lee and D. Willett

pp. 741-755